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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities at Bellfield Junior School


SENCo (SLT) - Ms D Topping

Ms Topping is the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator at Bellfield Junior School.

"I have been SENCo here for the past 9 years and I love my role. I am incredibly thankful to be part of a School with a strong ethos of inclusivity. The staff I work alongside are dedicated to creating a positive learning experience for all pupils and together we strive to ensure that every child can meet their full potential." Ms Topping

Parent Version- SEND Information Report


Please download to read and resolve formatting issues

Full SEND Information Report at BJS


Birmingham SEND Local Offer 

The Birmingham Local Offer website is now launched.  It includes information about the wide range of services that are available to support all areas of a child’s life (0-25 years) especially those with a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND).  This includes support with education, physical and mental health, social care, leisure activities and moving towards independence and adulthood. 

Every local authority in England has a duty to provide children and young people, (0-25 years) with support if they have Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities - this is known as the Local Offer.

CLICK HERE to be taken to the Birmingham Local Offer Website!

SEND Courses and Workshops:

Would you be interested in this? If so please see Ms Topping or Mr Attwood!

OT online parent sessions!


SEND Professionals- We are thankful to have the support and guidance of the following professionals who visit our school regularly.

  • Kerry Riches Ormes- Pupil and School Support
  • Kieranjit Sangha- Educational Psychology 
  • Sarah Wykes- Communication and Autism Team
  • Karen Green- Speech and Language Therapist
  • Amy Fowler- Blossom Education/Steve Brown Support

Top Tips: 

  • Try to have a daily routine with the same time for bed and getting up in the morning.
  • Change can be stressful- try to warn your child if something different is going to happen.
  • Some children struggle to memorise instructions- try to just give one or two pieces of information at a time. 
  • Organise School bags/shoes/uniform the night before, this can help time management in the mornings.
  • Try using NOW and NEXT! For example; now you will eat your breakfast, next you will brush your teeth. 


Selly Oak Families Newsletter


As you may know the SEND Local Area Partnership in Birmingham [Birmingham City Council, (Education) Birmingham Children's Trust (Social Care) Health (NHS) and the Birmingham Parent Carer Forum (BPCF)] is working hard to improve SEND services so that we provide the best possible help and support for children with additional needs in the City.

view the Accelerated Progress Plan at ; 







Joint local area SEND revisit in Birmingham

Between 24 and 27 May 2021, Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) revisited the local area of Birmingham to decide whether sufficient progress has been made in addressing each of the areas of significant weakness detailed in the written statement of action (WSOA) issued on 3 September 2018. It was found "the area has made sufficient progress in addressing one of the 13 significant weaknesses identified at the initial inspection. The area has not made sufficient progress in addressing 12 significant weaknesses." See letter by Kevin Crompton.


LINK to OFSTED outcome; 

Additonal links/reading; 

To find out how Birmingham plans to improve following the inspection and findings please visit; 


Language Matters 

Recent findings from the Education Endowment Foundation published by BBC News Online, stated that the past year of lockdowns has had an impact on young children's language skills. This in turn can have long-term effects on learning.

I CAN website- For Parents 

Are you concerned about your child’s speaking skills?  Visit our website and discover our range of resources and factsheets to help you support your child with speaking and understanding.  In addition, we offer a free enquiry service, giving you the chance to speak with one of our speech and language therapists. 



The RISE Forum are very excited to announce that they have successfully lodged a petition with UK Government to put forward their proposal for considering moving away from the term 'Special Educational Needs'. The Forum need our help to share this far and wide to get as many signatures as possible. At 10,000 signatures, government will respond to this petition. At 100,000 signatures, this petition will be considered for debate in Parliament.


Please support our young people with additional needs to have their voices heard by sharing and signing the petition below.




Ten Tips for Parenting Children with Additional Needs. 



Would you like to know more about attachment theory? 

The video below may help!

Select language

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities at Bellfield Junior School


SENCo (SLT) - Ms D Topping

Ms Topping is the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator at Bellfield Junior School.

"I have been SENCo here for the past 9 years and I love my role. I am incredibly thankful to be part of a School with a strong ethos of inclusivity. The staff I work alongside are dedicated to creating a positive learning experience for all pupils and together we strive to ensure that every child can meet their full potential." Ms Topping

Parent Version- SEND Information Report


Please download to read and resolve formatting issues

Full SEND Information Report at BJS


Birmingham SEND Local Offer 

The Birmingham Local Offer website is now launched.  It includes information about the wide range of services that are available to support all areas of a child’s life (0-25 years) especially those with a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND).  This includes support with education, physical and mental health, social care, leisure activities and moving towards independence and adulthood. 

Every local authority in England has a duty to provide children and young people, (0-25 years) with support if they have Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities - this is known as the Local Offer.

CLICK HERE to be taken to the Birmingham Local Offer Website!

SEND Courses and Workshops:

Would you be interested in this? If so please see Ms Topping or Mr Attwood!

OT online parent sessions!


SEND Professionals- We are thankful to have the support and guidance of the following professionals who visit our school regularly.

  • Kerry Riches Ormes- Pupil and School Support
  • Kieranjit Sangha- Educational Psychology 
  • Sarah Wykes- Communication and Autism Team
  • Karen Green- Speech and Language Therapist
  • Amy Fowler- Blossom Education/Steve Brown Support

Top Tips: 

  • Try to have a daily routine with the same time for bed and getting up in the morning.
  • Change can be stressful- try to warn your child if something different is going to happen.
  • Some children struggle to memorise instructions- try to just give one or two pieces of information at a time. 
  • Organise School bags/shoes/uniform the night before, this can help time management in the mornings.
  • Try using NOW and NEXT! For example; now you will eat your breakfast, next you will brush your teeth. 


Selly Oak Families Newsletter


As you may know the SEND Local Area Partnership in Birmingham [Birmingham City Council, (Education) Birmingham Children's Trust (Social Care) Health (NHS) and the Birmingham Parent Carer Forum (BPCF)] is working hard to improve SEND services so that we provide the best possible help and support for children with additional needs in the City.

view the Accelerated Progress Plan at ; 







Joint local area SEND revisit in Birmingham

Between 24 and 27 May 2021, Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) revisited the local area of Birmingham to decide whether sufficient progress has been made in addressing each of the areas of significant weakness detailed in the written statement of action (WSOA) issued on 3 September 2018. It was found "the area has made sufficient progress in addressing one of the 13 significant weaknesses identified at the initial inspection. The area has not made sufficient progress in addressing 12 significant weaknesses." See letter by Kevin Crompton.


LINK to OFSTED outcome; 

Additonal links/reading; 

To find out how Birmingham plans to improve following the inspection and findings please visit; 


Language Matters 

Recent findings from the Education Endowment Foundation published by BBC News Online, stated that the past year of lockdowns has had an impact on young children's language skills. This in turn can have long-term effects on learning.

I CAN website- For Parents 

Are you concerned about your child’s speaking skills?  Visit our website and discover our range of resources and factsheets to help you support your child with speaking and understanding.  In addition, we offer a free enquiry service, giving you the chance to speak with one of our speech and language therapists. 



The RISE Forum are very excited to announce that they have successfully lodged a petition with UK Government to put forward their proposal for considering moving away from the term 'Special Educational Needs'. The Forum need our help to share this far and wide to get as many signatures as possible. At 10,000 signatures, government will respond to this petition. At 100,000 signatures, this petition will be considered for debate in Parliament.


Please support our young people with additional needs to have their voices heard by sharing and signing the petition below.




Ten Tips for Parenting Children with Additional Needs. 



Would you like to know more about attachment theory? 

The video below may help!

Select language

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities at Bellfield Junior School


SENCo (SLT) - Ms D Topping

Ms Topping is the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator at Bellfield Junior School.

"I have been SENCo here for the past 9 years and I love my role. I am incredibly thankful to be part of a School with a strong ethos of inclusivity. The staff I work alongside are dedicated to creating a positive learning experience for all pupils and together we strive to ensure that every child can meet their full potential." Ms Topping

Parent Version- SEND Information Report


Please download to read and resolve formatting issues

Full SEND Information Report at BJS


Birmingham SEND Local Offer 

The Birmingham Local Offer website is now launched.  It includes information about the wide range of services that are available to support all areas of a child’s life (0-25 years) especially those with a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND).  This includes support with education, physical and mental health, social care, leisure activities and moving towards independence and adulthood. 

Every local authority in England has a duty to provide children and young people, (0-25 years) with support if they have Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities - this is known as the Local Offer.

CLICK HERE to be taken to the Birmingham Local Offer Website!

SEND Courses and Workshops:

Would you be interested in this? If so please see Ms Topping or Mr Attwood!

OT online parent sessions!


SEND Professionals- We are thankful to have the support and guidance of the following professionals who visit our school regularly.

  • Kerry Riches Ormes- Pupil and School Support
  • Kieranjit Sangha- Educational Psychology 
  • Sarah Wykes- Communication and Autism Team
  • Karen Green- Speech and Language Therapist
  • Amy Fowler- Blossom Education/Steve Brown Support

Top Tips: 

  • Try to have a daily routine with the same time for bed and getting up in the morning.
  • Change can be stressful- try to warn your child if something different is going to happen.
  • Some children struggle to memorise instructions- try to just give one or two pieces of information at a time. 
  • Organise School bags/shoes/uniform the night before, this can help time management in the mornings.
  • Try using NOW and NEXT! For example; now you will eat your breakfast, next you will brush your teeth. 


Selly Oak Families Newsletter


As you may know the SEND Local Area Partnership in Birmingham [Birmingham City Council, (Education) Birmingham Children's Trust (Social Care) Health (NHS) and the Birmingham Parent Carer Forum (BPCF)] is working hard to improve SEND services so that we provide the best possible help and support for children with additional needs in the City.

view the Accelerated Progress Plan at ; 







Joint local area SEND revisit in Birmingham

Between 24 and 27 May 2021, Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) revisited the local area of Birmingham to decide whether sufficient progress has been made in addressing each of the areas of significant weakness detailed in the written statement of action (WSOA) issued on 3 September 2018. It was found "the area has made sufficient progress in addressing one of the 13 significant weaknesses identified at the initial inspection. The area has not made sufficient progress in addressing 12 significant weaknesses." See letter by Kevin Crompton.


LINK to OFSTED outcome; 

Additonal links/reading; 

To find out how Birmingham plans to improve following the inspection and findings please visit; 


Language Matters 

Recent findings from the Education Endowment Foundation published by BBC News Online, stated that the past year of lockdowns has had an impact on young children's language skills. This in turn can have long-term effects on learning.

I CAN website- For Parents 

Are you concerned about your child’s speaking skills?  Visit our website and discover our range of resources and factsheets to help you support your child with speaking and understanding.  In addition, we offer a free enquiry service, giving you the chance to speak with one of our speech and language therapists. 



The RISE Forum are very excited to announce that they have successfully lodged a petition with UK Government to put forward their proposal for considering moving away from the term 'Special Educational Needs'. The Forum need our help to share this far and wide to get as many signatures as possible. At 10,000 signatures, government will respond to this petition. At 100,000 signatures, this petition will be considered for debate in Parliament.


Please support our young people with additional needs to have their voices heard by sharing and signing the petition below.




Ten Tips for Parenting Children with Additional Needs. 



Would you like to know more about attachment theory? 

The video below may help!

Select language

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities at Bellfield Junior School


SENCo (SLT) - Ms D Topping

Ms Topping is the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator at Bellfield Junior School.

"I have been SENCo here for the past 9 years and I love my role. I am incredibly thankful to be part of a School with a strong ethos of inclusivity. The staff I work alongside are dedicated to creating a positive learning experience for all pupils and together we strive to ensure that every child can meet their full potential." Ms Topping

Parent Version- SEND Information Report


Please download to read and resolve formatting issues

Full SEND Information Report at BJS


Birmingham SEND Local Offer 

The Birmingham Local Offer website is now launched.  It includes information about the wide range of services that are available to support all areas of a child’s life (0-25 years) especially those with a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND).  This includes support with education, physical and mental health, social care, leisure activities and moving towards independence and adulthood. 

Every local authority in England has a duty to provide children and young people, (0-25 years) with support if they have Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities - this is known as the Local Offer.

CLICK HERE to be taken to the Birmingham Local Offer Website!

SEND Courses and Workshops:

Would you be interested in this? If so please see Ms Topping or Mr Attwood!

OT online parent sessions!


SEND Professionals- We are thankful to have the support and guidance of the following professionals who visit our school regularly.

  • Kerry Riches Ormes- Pupil and School Support
  • Kieranjit Sangha- Educational Psychology 
  • Sarah Wykes- Communication and Autism Team
  • Karen Green- Speech and Language Therapist
  • Amy Fowler- Blossom Education/Steve Brown Support

Top Tips: 

  • Try to have a daily routine with the same time for bed and getting up in the morning.
  • Change can be stressful- try to warn your child if something different is going to happen.
  • Some children struggle to memorise instructions- try to just give one or two pieces of information at a time. 
  • Organise School bags/shoes/uniform the night before, this can help time management in the mornings.
  • Try using NOW and NEXT! For example; now you will eat your breakfast, next you will brush your teeth. 


Selly Oak Families Newsletter


As you may know the SEND Local Area Partnership in Birmingham [Birmingham City Council, (Education) Birmingham Children's Trust (Social Care) Health (NHS) and the Birmingham Parent Carer Forum (BPCF)] is working hard to improve SEND services so that we provide the best possible help and support for children with additional needs in the City.

view the Accelerated Progress Plan at ; 







Joint local area SEND revisit in Birmingham

Between 24 and 27 May 2021, Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) revisited the local area of Birmingham to decide whether sufficient progress has been made in addressing each of the areas of significant weakness detailed in the written statement of action (WSOA) issued on 3 September 2018. It was found "the area has made sufficient progress in addressing one of the 13 significant weaknesses identified at the initial inspection. The area has not made sufficient progress in addressing 12 significant weaknesses." See letter by Kevin Crompton.


LINK to OFSTED outcome; 

Additonal links/reading; 

To find out how Birmingham plans to improve following the inspection and findings please visit; 


Language Matters 

Recent findings from the Education Endowment Foundation published by BBC News Online, stated that the past year of lockdowns has had an impact on young children's language skills. This in turn can have long-term effects on learning.

I CAN website- For Parents 

Are you concerned about your child’s speaking skills?  Visit our website and discover our range of resources and factsheets to help you support your child with speaking and understanding.  In addition, we offer a free enquiry service, giving you the chance to speak with one of our speech and language therapists. 



The RISE Forum are very excited to announce that they have successfully lodged a petition with UK Government to put forward their proposal for considering moving away from the term 'Special Educational Needs'. The Forum need our help to share this far and wide to get as many signatures as possible. At 10,000 signatures, government will respond to this petition. At 100,000 signatures, this petition will be considered for debate in Parliament.


Please support our young people with additional needs to have their voices heard by sharing and signing the petition below.




Ten Tips for Parenting Children with Additional Needs. 



Would you like to know more about attachment theory? 

The video below may help!

Select language

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities at Bellfield Junior School


SENCo (SLT) - Ms D Topping

Ms Topping is the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator at Bellfield Junior School.

"I have been SENCo here for the past 9 years and I love my role. I am incredibly thankful to be part of a School with a strong ethos of inclusivity. The staff I work alongside are dedicated to creating a positive learning experience for all pupils and together we strive to ensure that every child can meet their full potential." Ms Topping

Parent Version- SEND Information Report


Please download to read and resolve formatting issues

Full SEND Information Report at BJS


Birmingham SEND Local Offer 

The Birmingham Local Offer website is now launched.  It includes information about the wide range of services that are available to support all areas of a child’s life (0-25 years) especially those with a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND).  This includes support with education, physical and mental health, social care, leisure activities and moving towards independence and adulthood. 

Every local authority in England has a duty to provide children and young people, (0-25 years) with support if they have Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities - this is known as the Local Offer.

CLICK HERE to be taken to the Birmingham Local Offer Website!

SEND Courses and Workshops:

Would you be interested in this? If so please see Ms Topping or Mr Attwood!

OT online parent sessions!


SEND Professionals- We are thankful to have the support and guidance of the following professionals who visit our school regularly.

  • Kerry Riches Ormes- Pupil and School Support
  • Kieranjit Sangha- Educational Psychology 
  • Sarah Wykes- Communication and Autism Team
  • Karen Green- Speech and Language Therapist
  • Amy Fowler- Blossom Education/Steve Brown Support

Top Tips: 

  • Try to have a daily routine with the same time for bed and getting up in the morning.
  • Change can be stressful- try to warn your child if something different is going to happen.
  • Some children struggle to memorise instructions- try to just give one or two pieces of information at a time. 
  • Organise School bags/shoes/uniform the night before, this can help time management in the mornings.
  • Try using NOW and NEXT! For example; now you will eat your breakfast, next you will brush your teeth. 


Selly Oak Families Newsletter


As you may know the SEND Local Area Partnership in Birmingham [Birmingham City Council, (Education) Birmingham Children's Trust (Social Care) Health (NHS) and the Birmingham Parent Carer Forum (BPCF)] is working hard to improve SEND services so that we provide the best possible help and support for children with additional needs in the City.

view the Accelerated Progress Plan at ; 







Joint local area SEND revisit in Birmingham

Between 24 and 27 May 2021, Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) revisited the local area of Birmingham to decide whether sufficient progress has been made in addressing each of the areas of significant weakness detailed in the written statement of action (WSOA) issued on 3 September 2018. It was found "the area has made sufficient progress in addressing one of the 13 significant weaknesses identified at the initial inspection. The area has not made sufficient progress in addressing 12 significant weaknesses." See letter by Kevin Crompton.


LINK to OFSTED outcome; 

Additonal links/reading; 

To find out how Birmingham plans to improve following the inspection and findings please visit; 


Language Matters 

Recent findings from the Education Endowment Foundation published by BBC News Online, stated that the past year of lockdowns has had an impact on young children's language skills. This in turn can have long-term effects on learning.

I CAN website- For Parents 

Are you concerned about your child’s speaking skills?  Visit our website and discover our range of resources and factsheets to help you support your child with speaking and understanding.  In addition, we offer a free enquiry service, giving you the chance to speak with one of our speech and language therapists. 



The RISE Forum are very excited to announce that they have successfully lodged a petition with UK Government to put forward their proposal for considering moving away from the term 'Special Educational Needs'. The Forum need our help to share this far and wide to get as many signatures as possible. At 10,000 signatures, government will respond to this petition. At 100,000 signatures, this petition will be considered for debate in Parliament.


Please support our young people with additional needs to have their voices heard by sharing and signing the petition below.




Ten Tips for Parenting Children with Additional Needs. 



Would you like to know more about attachment theory? 

The video below may help!

Select language

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities at Bellfield Junior School


SENCo (SLT) - Ms D Topping

Ms Topping is the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator at Bellfield Junior School.

"I have been SENCo here for the past 9 years and I love my role. I am incredibly thankful to be part of a School with a strong ethos of inclusivity. The staff I work alongside are dedicated to creating a positive learning experience for all pupils and together we strive to ensure that every child can meet their full potential." Ms Topping

Parent Version- SEND Information Report


Please download to read and resolve formatting issues

Full SEND Information Report at BJS


Birmingham SEND Local Offer 

The Birmingham Local Offer website is now launched.  It includes information about the wide range of services that are available to support all areas of a child’s life (0-25 years) especially those with a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND).  This includes support with education, physical and mental health, social care, leisure activities and moving towards independence and adulthood. 

Every local authority in England has a duty to provide children and young people, (0-25 years) with support if they have Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities - this is known as the Local Offer.

CLICK HERE to be taken to the Birmingham Local Offer Website!

SEND Courses and Workshops:

Would you be interested in this? If so please see Ms Topping or Mr Attwood!

OT online parent sessions!


SEND Professionals- We are thankful to have the support and guidance of the following professionals who visit our school regularly.

  • Kerry Riches Ormes- Pupil and School Support
  • Kieranjit Sangha- Educational Psychology 
  • Sarah Wykes- Communication and Autism Team
  • Karen Green- Speech and Language Therapist
  • Amy Fowler- Blossom Education/Steve Brown Support

Top Tips: 

  • Try to have a daily routine with the same time for bed and getting up in the morning.
  • Change can be stressful- try to warn your child if something different is going to happen.
  • Some children struggle to memorise instructions- try to just give one or two pieces of information at a time. 
  • Organise School bags/shoes/uniform the night before, this can help time management in the mornings.
  • Try using NOW and NEXT! For example; now you will eat your breakfast, next you will brush your teeth. 


Selly Oak Families Newsletter


As you may know the SEND Local Area Partnership in Birmingham [Birmingham City Council, (Education) Birmingham Children's Trust (Social Care) Health (NHS) and the Birmingham Parent Carer Forum (BPCF)] is working hard to improve SEND services so that we provide the best possible help and support for children with additional needs in the City.

view the Accelerated Progress Plan at ; 







Joint local area SEND revisit in Birmingham

Between 24 and 27 May 2021, Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) revisited the local area of Birmingham to decide whether sufficient progress has been made in addressing each of the areas of significant weakness detailed in the written statement of action (WSOA) issued on 3 September 2018. It was found "the area has made sufficient progress in addressing one of the 13 significant weaknesses identified at the initial inspection. The area has not made sufficient progress in addressing 12 significant weaknesses." See letter by Kevin Crompton.


LINK to OFSTED outcome; 

Additonal links/reading; 

To find out how Birmingham plans to improve following the inspection and findings please visit; 


Language Matters 

Recent findings from the Education Endowment Foundation published by BBC News Online, stated that the past year of lockdowns has had an impact on young children's language skills. This in turn can have long-term effects on learning.

I CAN website- For Parents 

Are you concerned about your child’s speaking skills?  Visit our website and discover our range of resources and factsheets to help you support your child with speaking and understanding.  In addition, we offer a free enquiry service, giving you the chance to speak with one of our speech and language therapists. 



The RISE Forum are very excited to announce that they have successfully lodged a petition with UK Government to put forward their proposal for considering moving away from the term 'Special Educational Needs'. The Forum need our help to share this far and wide to get as many signatures as possible. At 10,000 signatures, government will respond to this petition. At 100,000 signatures, this petition will be considered for debate in Parliament.


Please support our young people with additional needs to have their voices heard by sharing and signing the petition below.




Ten Tips for Parenting Children with Additional Needs. 



Would you like to know more about attachment theory? 

The video below may help!