PE is on: MONDAYS Please send children in to school in their correct, school expected PE kit. |
Teachers: Mrs Doherty, Mr Simons with Mrs duToit TAs: Mrs Ireland & Miss Davenport |
Our Curriculum Matrix - showing what the children are learning, can be found HERE
A great time enjoyed by everyone in their end of Y6 DISCO!!!
They have been a fab year group - grown up so much - and worked so hard!
They will be missed - we wish them all the good luck in the world as they continue their journeys
As part of our transition work, we had a fun morning with Shenley Seniors,
talking and sharing about our feelings, change and our plans
The autumn has arrived - already we have been on a residential or taken part in Outdoor Adventures, had a workshop with the Dog's Trust and MH & Wellbeing workshops to support us in thinking about our responsibilities. Plus, a SATs workshop, super writing and so much more!
Year 6 have also been making clay sculptures in the style of Simone Leigh.
Y6 exploring Light in their Science lessons.
The Year 6 'End of Year' Performance 2022
The Y6 wanted to show their talents - in a variety of ways - or discuss topics dear to themselves in clever ways for their end of year performance this year. It was a lovely way to say goodbye - and we wish them every success in the future.
Watch the short video clips: Vid1 Vid2 Vid3 Vid4 Vid5 Vid6 Vid7 Vid8
Our last term at BJS - SUMMER is here!
Autumn Term 2021 - our fourth, and final, year has begun!
Art - sculptures; JCA residential/ outdoor learning; Poetry Slam day with Poet, Spoz;
virtual visit with author, Emma Carroll & working with our outdoor learning expert on co-ordinates!
Our End Of Year/ Our time at BJS celebrations!
SUMMER is finally here!
See what we've been up to this term...
A fabulous poem by one of our talented Y6...
SPRING TERM - after 8 March full re-opening
Finally - the school is full and we can return to learning, together, and having fun, together!
It's the AUTUMN term - and we're back!
Year 6 enjoyed a poetical morning with the poet Ian Bland. Lots of laughs and opportunities to write our own poem based on ‘The Phantom’. We listened and danced along with the dinner lady dance!
Y6 children quotes: My favourite part was writing the poem and I was really inspired by the morning. My favourite poem was the Dinner Lady Dance! See this entry to 6W's learning journal. Year 6 have been inspired by the work of Henry Moore to create their own abstract sculpture of the human body.
Y6 investigate how to change the size of a shadow. They carried out investigation in pairs, measuring accurately and recording their results. We also had a visit from 2 soldiers, to help us understand life as a soldier now compared to a WWI soldier - very different!
Year 6 have been listening and responding to the Bon Jovi hit ‘Livin on a Prayer’. They have learnt to sign the song – will be performing soon! They have played the glockenspiels to part of the song. we also had Mystery Theme Day which was revealed to be 'World Kindness Day'. We had so much fun!
Mystery Theme Day 1 - World Kindness Day
Y6 singing their version of
Bon Jovi's 'Livin' on a Prayer' :-)
With a SPRING in our step...
We kicked the Spring term off with our whole school
French Homework Project.
Just take a look at the fantastic pieces of work the children created!
This Spring term we are also concentrating on Mindfulness and Wellbeing.
We have lots of amazing activities and tasks prepared to make sure we are all doing OK.
PE is on: MONDAYS Please send children in to school in their correct, school expected PE kit. |
Teachers: Mrs Doherty, Mr Simons with Mrs duToit TAs: Mrs Ireland & Miss Davenport |
Our Curriculum Matrix - showing what the children are learning, can be found HERE
A great time enjoyed by everyone in their end of Y6 DISCO!!!
They have been a fab year group - grown up so much - and worked so hard!
They will be missed - we wish them all the good luck in the world as they continue their journeys
As part of our transition work, we had a fun morning with Shenley Seniors,
talking and sharing about our feelings, change and our plans
The autumn has arrived - already we have been on a residential or taken part in Outdoor Adventures, had a workshop with the Dog's Trust and MH & Wellbeing workshops to support us in thinking about our responsibilities. Plus, a SATs workshop, super writing and so much more!
Year 6 have also been making clay sculptures in the style of Simone Leigh.
Y6 exploring Light in their Science lessons.
The Year 6 'End of Year' Performance 2022
The Y6 wanted to show their talents - in a variety of ways - or discuss topics dear to themselves in clever ways for their end of year performance this year. It was a lovely way to say goodbye - and we wish them every success in the future.
Watch the short video clips: Vid1 Vid2 Vid3 Vid4 Vid5 Vid6 Vid7 Vid8
Our last term at BJS - SUMMER is here!
Autumn Term 2021 - our fourth, and final, year has begun!
Art - sculptures; JCA residential/ outdoor learning; Poetry Slam day with Poet, Spoz;
virtual visit with author, Emma Carroll & working with our outdoor learning expert on co-ordinates!
Our End Of Year/ Our time at BJS celebrations!
SUMMER is finally here!
See what we've been up to this term...
A fabulous poem by one of our talented Y6...
SPRING TERM - after 8 March full re-opening
Finally - the school is full and we can return to learning, together, and having fun, together!
It's the AUTUMN term - and we're back!
Year 6 enjoyed a poetical morning with the poet Ian Bland. Lots of laughs and opportunities to write our own poem based on ‘The Phantom’. We listened and danced along with the dinner lady dance!
Y6 children quotes: My favourite part was writing the poem and I was really inspired by the morning. My favourite poem was the Dinner Lady Dance! See this entry to 6W's learning journal. Year 6 have been inspired by the work of Henry Moore to create their own abstract sculpture of the human body.
Y6 investigate how to change the size of a shadow. They carried out investigation in pairs, measuring accurately and recording their results. We also had a visit from 2 soldiers, to help us understand life as a soldier now compared to a WWI soldier - very different!
Year 6 have been listening and responding to the Bon Jovi hit ‘Livin on a Prayer’. They have learnt to sign the song – will be performing soon! They have played the glockenspiels to part of the song. we also had Mystery Theme Day which was revealed to be 'World Kindness Day'. We had so much fun!
Mystery Theme Day 1 - World Kindness Day
Y6 singing their version of
Bon Jovi's 'Livin' on a Prayer' :-)
With a SPRING in our step...
We kicked the Spring term off with our whole school
French Homework Project.
Just take a look at the fantastic pieces of work the children created!
This Spring term we are also concentrating on Mindfulness and Wellbeing.
We have lots of amazing activities and tasks prepared to make sure we are all doing OK.
PE is on: MONDAYS Please send children in to school in their correct, school expected PE kit. |
Teachers: Mrs Doherty, Mr Simons with Mrs duToit TAs: Mrs Ireland & Miss Davenport |
Our Curriculum Matrix - showing what the children are learning, can be found HERE
A great time enjoyed by everyone in their end of Y6 DISCO!!!
They have been a fab year group - grown up so much - and worked so hard!
They will be missed - we wish them all the good luck in the world as they continue their journeys
As part of our transition work, we had a fun morning with Shenley Seniors,
talking and sharing about our feelings, change and our plans
The autumn has arrived - already we have been on a residential or taken part in Outdoor Adventures, had a workshop with the Dog's Trust and MH & Wellbeing workshops to support us in thinking about our responsibilities. Plus, a SATs workshop, super writing and so much more!
Year 6 have also been making clay sculptures in the style of Simone Leigh.
Y6 exploring Light in their Science lessons.
The Year 6 'End of Year' Performance 2022
The Y6 wanted to show their talents - in a variety of ways - or discuss topics dear to themselves in clever ways for their end of year performance this year. It was a lovely way to say goodbye - and we wish them every success in the future.
Watch the short video clips: Vid1 Vid2 Vid3 Vid4 Vid5 Vid6 Vid7 Vid8
Our last term at BJS - SUMMER is here!
Autumn Term 2021 - our fourth, and final, year has begun!
Art - sculptures; JCA residential/ outdoor learning; Poetry Slam day with Poet, Spoz;
virtual visit with author, Emma Carroll & working with our outdoor learning expert on co-ordinates!
Our End Of Year/ Our time at BJS celebrations!
SUMMER is finally here!
See what we've been up to this term...
A fabulous poem by one of our talented Y6...
SPRING TERM - after 8 March full re-opening
Finally - the school is full and we can return to learning, together, and having fun, together!
It's the AUTUMN term - and we're back!
Year 6 enjoyed a poetical morning with the poet Ian Bland. Lots of laughs and opportunities to write our own poem based on ‘The Phantom’. We listened and danced along with the dinner lady dance!
Y6 children quotes: My favourite part was writing the poem and I was really inspired by the morning. My favourite poem was the Dinner Lady Dance! See this entry to 6W's learning journal. Year 6 have been inspired by the work of Henry Moore to create their own abstract sculpture of the human body.
Y6 investigate how to change the size of a shadow. They carried out investigation in pairs, measuring accurately and recording their results. We also had a visit from 2 soldiers, to help us understand life as a soldier now compared to a WWI soldier - very different!
Year 6 have been listening and responding to the Bon Jovi hit ‘Livin on a Prayer’. They have learnt to sign the song – will be performing soon! They have played the glockenspiels to part of the song. we also had Mystery Theme Day which was revealed to be 'World Kindness Day'. We had so much fun!
Mystery Theme Day 1 - World Kindness Day
Y6 singing their version of
Bon Jovi's 'Livin' on a Prayer' :-)
With a SPRING in our step...
We kicked the Spring term off with our whole school
French Homework Project.
Just take a look at the fantastic pieces of work the children created!
This Spring term we are also concentrating on Mindfulness and Wellbeing.
We have lots of amazing activities and tasks prepared to make sure we are all doing OK.
PE is on: MONDAYS Please send children in to school in their correct, school expected PE kit. |
Teachers: Mrs Doherty, Mr Simons with Mrs duToit TAs: Mrs Ireland & Miss Davenport |
Our Curriculum Matrix - showing what the children are learning, can be found HERE
A great time enjoyed by everyone in their end of Y6 DISCO!!!
They have been a fab year group - grown up so much - and worked so hard!
They will be missed - we wish them all the good luck in the world as they continue their journeys
As part of our transition work, we had a fun morning with Shenley Seniors,
talking and sharing about our feelings, change and our plans
The autumn has arrived - already we have been on a residential or taken part in Outdoor Adventures, had a workshop with the Dog's Trust and MH & Wellbeing workshops to support us in thinking about our responsibilities. Plus, a SATs workshop, super writing and so much more!
Year 6 have also been making clay sculptures in the style of Simone Leigh.
Y6 exploring Light in their Science lessons.
The Year 6 'End of Year' Performance 2022
The Y6 wanted to show their talents - in a variety of ways - or discuss topics dear to themselves in clever ways for their end of year performance this year. It was a lovely way to say goodbye - and we wish them every success in the future.
Watch the short video clips: Vid1 Vid2 Vid3 Vid4 Vid5 Vid6 Vid7 Vid8
Our last term at BJS - SUMMER is here!
Autumn Term 2021 - our fourth, and final, year has begun!
Art - sculptures; JCA residential/ outdoor learning; Poetry Slam day with Poet, Spoz;
virtual visit with author, Emma Carroll & working with our outdoor learning expert on co-ordinates!
Our End Of Year/ Our time at BJS celebrations!
SUMMER is finally here!
See what we've been up to this term...
A fabulous poem by one of our talented Y6...
SPRING TERM - after 8 March full re-opening
Finally - the school is full and we can return to learning, together, and having fun, together!
It's the AUTUMN term - and we're back!
Year 6 enjoyed a poetical morning with the poet Ian Bland. Lots of laughs and opportunities to write our own poem based on ‘The Phantom’. We listened and danced along with the dinner lady dance!
Y6 children quotes: My favourite part was writing the poem and I was really inspired by the morning. My favourite poem was the Dinner Lady Dance! See this entry to 6W's learning journal. Year 6 have been inspired by the work of Henry Moore to create their own abstract sculpture of the human body.
Y6 investigate how to change the size of a shadow. They carried out investigation in pairs, measuring accurately and recording their results. We also had a visit from 2 soldiers, to help us understand life as a soldier now compared to a WWI soldier - very different!
Year 6 have been listening and responding to the Bon Jovi hit ‘Livin on a Prayer’. They have learnt to sign the song – will be performing soon! They have played the glockenspiels to part of the song. we also had Mystery Theme Day which was revealed to be 'World Kindness Day'. We had so much fun!
Mystery Theme Day 1 - World Kindness Day
Y6 singing their version of
Bon Jovi's 'Livin' on a Prayer' :-)
With a SPRING in our step...
We kicked the Spring term off with our whole school
French Homework Project.
Just take a look at the fantastic pieces of work the children created!
This Spring term we are also concentrating on Mindfulness and Wellbeing.
We have lots of amazing activities and tasks prepared to make sure we are all doing OK.
PE is on: MONDAYS Please send children in to school in their correct, school expected PE kit. |
Teachers: Mrs Doherty, Mr Simons with Mrs duToit TAs: Mrs Ireland & Miss Davenport |
Our Curriculum Matrix - showing what the children are learning, can be found HERE
A great time enjoyed by everyone in their end of Y6 DISCO!!!
They have been a fab year group - grown up so much - and worked so hard!
They will be missed - we wish them all the good luck in the world as they continue their journeys
As part of our transition work, we had a fun morning with Shenley Seniors,
talking and sharing about our feelings, change and our plans
The autumn has arrived - already we have been on a residential or taken part in Outdoor Adventures, had a workshop with the Dog's Trust and MH & Wellbeing workshops to support us in thinking about our responsibilities. Plus, a SATs workshop, super writing and so much more!
Year 6 have also been making clay sculptures in the style of Simone Leigh.
Y6 exploring Light in their Science lessons.
The Year 6 'End of Year' Performance 2022
The Y6 wanted to show their talents - in a variety of ways - or discuss topics dear to themselves in clever ways for their end of year performance this year. It was a lovely way to say goodbye - and we wish them every success in the future.
Watch the short video clips: Vid1 Vid2 Vid3 Vid4 Vid5 Vid6 Vid7 Vid8
Our last term at BJS - SUMMER is here!
Autumn Term 2021 - our fourth, and final, year has begun!
Art - sculptures; JCA residential/ outdoor learning; Poetry Slam day with Poet, Spoz;
virtual visit with author, Emma Carroll & working with our outdoor learning expert on co-ordinates!
Our End Of Year/ Our time at BJS celebrations!
SUMMER is finally here!
See what we've been up to this term...
A fabulous poem by one of our talented Y6...
SPRING TERM - after 8 March full re-opening
Finally - the school is full and we can return to learning, together, and having fun, together!
It's the AUTUMN term - and we're back!
Year 6 enjoyed a poetical morning with the poet Ian Bland. Lots of laughs and opportunities to write our own poem based on ‘The Phantom’. We listened and danced along with the dinner lady dance!
Y6 children quotes: My favourite part was writing the poem and I was really inspired by the morning. My favourite poem was the Dinner Lady Dance! See this entry to 6W's learning journal. Year 6 have been inspired by the work of Henry Moore to create their own abstract sculpture of the human body.
Y6 investigate how to change the size of a shadow. They carried out investigation in pairs, measuring accurately and recording their results. We also had a visit from 2 soldiers, to help us understand life as a soldier now compared to a WWI soldier - very different!
Year 6 have been listening and responding to the Bon Jovi hit ‘Livin on a Prayer’. They have learnt to sign the song – will be performing soon! They have played the glockenspiels to part of the song. we also had Mystery Theme Day which was revealed to be 'World Kindness Day'. We had so much fun!
Mystery Theme Day 1 - World Kindness Day
Y6 singing their version of
Bon Jovi's 'Livin' on a Prayer' :-)
With a SPRING in our step...
We kicked the Spring term off with our whole school
French Homework Project.
Just take a look at the fantastic pieces of work the children created!
This Spring term we are also concentrating on Mindfulness and Wellbeing.
We have lots of amazing activities and tasks prepared to make sure we are all doing OK.
PE is on: MONDAYS Please send children in to school in their correct, school expected PE kit. |
Teachers: Mrs Doherty, Mr Simons with Mrs duToit TAs: Mrs Ireland & Miss Davenport |
Our Curriculum Matrix - showing what the children are learning, can be found HERE
A great time enjoyed by everyone in their end of Y6 DISCO!!!
They have been a fab year group - grown up so much - and worked so hard!
They will be missed - we wish them all the good luck in the world as they continue their journeys
As part of our transition work, we had a fun morning with Shenley Seniors,
talking and sharing about our feelings, change and our plans
The autumn has arrived - already we have been on a residential or taken part in Outdoor Adventures, had a workshop with the Dog's Trust and MH & Wellbeing workshops to support us in thinking about our responsibilities. Plus, a SATs workshop, super writing and so much more!
Year 6 have also been making clay sculptures in the style of Simone Leigh.
Y6 exploring Light in their Science lessons.
The Year 6 'End of Year' Performance 2022
The Y6 wanted to show their talents - in a variety of ways - or discuss topics dear to themselves in clever ways for their end of year performance this year. It was a lovely way to say goodbye - and we wish them every success in the future.
Watch the short video clips: Vid1 Vid2 Vid3 Vid4 Vid5 Vid6 Vid7 Vid8
Our last term at BJS - SUMMER is here!
Autumn Term 2021 - our fourth, and final, year has begun!
Art - sculptures; JCA residential/ outdoor learning; Poetry Slam day with Poet, Spoz;
virtual visit with author, Emma Carroll & working with our outdoor learning expert on co-ordinates!
Our End Of Year/ Our time at BJS celebrations!
SUMMER is finally here!
See what we've been up to this term...
A fabulous poem by one of our talented Y6...
SPRING TERM - after 8 March full re-opening
Finally - the school is full and we can return to learning, together, and having fun, together!
It's the AUTUMN term - and we're back!
Year 6 enjoyed a poetical morning with the poet Ian Bland. Lots of laughs and opportunities to write our own poem based on ‘The Phantom’. We listened and danced along with the dinner lady dance!
Y6 children quotes: My favourite part was writing the poem and I was really inspired by the morning. My favourite poem was the Dinner Lady Dance! See this entry to 6W's learning journal. Year 6 have been inspired by the work of Henry Moore to create their own abstract sculpture of the human body.
Y6 investigate how to change the size of a shadow. They carried out investigation in pairs, measuring accurately and recording their results. We also had a visit from 2 soldiers, to help us understand life as a soldier now compared to a WWI soldier - very different!
Year 6 have been listening and responding to the Bon Jovi hit ‘Livin on a Prayer’. They have learnt to sign the song – will be performing soon! They have played the glockenspiels to part of the song. we also had Mystery Theme Day which was revealed to be 'World Kindness Day'. We had so much fun!
Mystery Theme Day 1 - World Kindness Day
Y6 singing their version of
Bon Jovi's 'Livin' on a Prayer' :-)
With a SPRING in our step...
We kicked the Spring term off with our whole school
French Homework Project.
Just take a look at the fantastic pieces of work the children created!
This Spring term we are also concentrating on Mindfulness and Wellbeing.
We have lots of amazing activities and tasks prepared to make sure we are all doing OK.