50 projects, 5 from each class from Y2 (in the Infant school) to Y6, made it onto the HUGE Homework Project display in Northfield Shopping Centre from 23.2.25 - go along and
have a look for a limited time (approx 4 weeks).
The theme was FRIENDSHIP and was left open to the children to decide how and what they wanted to focus on - and how they wanted to present their work.
Thank you so much to Mark & the team @ Northfield Shopping Centre for supporting both schools!
14 children went to visit Sarah Julian, BBC WM breakfast presenter, to have a visit of the studios at the Mailbox in Birmingham, and talk about their community work with charity BCSTF, including the upcoming Christmas meal on 30.12.24, what volunteering means to them and why they do it. It was a lovely time and one everyone enjoyed!
They also decided to read the news... VIDEO (click)
After just 33 lessons together, our 9 ROCKSTEADY bands played a concert to the rest of the school and their families 8.7.24 - we think you'll agree, pretty amazing stuff! Thank you to Kris & Claudia for their amazing teaching!
Click to watch videos: Vid1 Vid2 Vid3 Vid4 Vid5 Vid6 Vid7 Vid8 Vid9 Vid10
Thanks to the Freinds of Bellfield PTA, the office staff and volunteers, we had a fantastic Summer Fayre, raising £600!
Our BELLFIELD'S GOT TALENT was in March, with 11 superb acts performing for the school!
A fantastic mix of singing, dancing, art and comedy! A lovely penultimate afternoon before the Easter break!
It doesn't get much more special than our HOMEWORK PROJECTS,
on display in Northfield Shopping Centre from 25.2.24 until Easter.
'All About Me' - an open project about themselves, their family and/or their family history, demostrating the amazing and diverse set of children we are so lucky to have!
What a 'WELLBEING' WEEK... wc 9 Oct 23
A chance to look at our own wellbeing, that of others (inc animals) and look at belonging and what that is! It has been a mixture of so much learning together - and individually! Resilience, physical wellbeing, mental wellbeing, what to avoid putting in our bodies, Black History & Black history art, drama (with B'ham Rep) and teamwork activities. Oh, and don't forget the farm visiting - a chance to pet, hold and find out how to look after & support animals/ pets
What amazing families we have! An excellent collection for Harvest for Birmingham City Mission to help those less fortunate - and a great Harvest Assembly by Mrs Sorby, exploring the
tradition of Harvest/ how the climate changes affect growing food
Our SPONSORED SPORTS MORNING with Olympian, AMY SMITH, was amazing!
We have raised over £700 with 60% to school & 40% to Team GB. A fab morning full of energy!
SPORTS DAY 22.6.23
was a fabulous morning - everyone involved, great sportsmanship and team spirit, with ASIA winning overall!
Mystery Theme Day - science - different topic per year group! 16.6.23
Meet our newest members of the school - baby CHICKS! wc 17 April 23 Click for Video1 Video2
The chicks have now moved on to their new families
We learned about Ramadam & Eid al Fitr today (18.4.23) - every child wore their 'special' clothes and shared why they were special. We learned about Ramadam, fasting and the celebration of Eid at the end of Ramadam, led by Mrs Sorby & children that celebrate this time.
Wow, wow, wow! Our BELLFIELD'S GOT TALENT show allowed 15 acts to show off their
amazing talents & skills, with Lexi winning the judge's vote, with Jake & Mikhaela coming in as runners up!
There were singers, dancers, pianists, steel drum player, guitarist & a magician! Plus, the choir added a song in the interval!
It was so close between all the acts - and they may have created a few tears in our very proud staff!
Video1 Video2 Video3 Video4 Video5 Video6 Video7 Video8 Video9 Video10 Video11
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2023's 5 Week homework project:
finding out all about something, or someone, historical about Birmingham!
Now on display in Northfield Shopping Centre!
was a lovely set of events where parents/ carers came in to read with their children
'Lunch with your child' - we had 4 events that let parents & carers have lunch with their children.
It was lovely to see the large numbers of parents/ carers able to attend and share a lunchtime with us!
4.1.23: Visit to the Birmingham Rep to see
Part of our English project - as well as a fab day out!
The highlight of the week is our Celebration Assembly on a Friday - who has got their team point awards? Who will be team of the week or Good Manners class of the week? Who'll get Star of the Week in each class or a Yes I Can for showing resilience? What will be the high octane song to help us celebrate? And who'll win the 'Best Seats of the House' times table challenge? It's a fab way to come together!
After the assembly, one child from each class visit Mr Attwood (or Mrs duToit) with their outstanding work,
to share & to share a drink and a biscuit... or 2!
6-13 Sept: Theme Week: Responsibility..
We had a fantastic visit from Becky from the Dog's Trust, helping us to be better pet owners and be able to be safe around our own, and other's, dogs. Informative, interactive and fun!
We also had a visit from Dan & Marc from F2D, talking about personal responsibility - how they realsied they were making mistakes in their lives and made changes... and are now successful in business and mentoring children!
Our Annual AWARDS CEREMONY was on 21.7.22 -
with some AMAZING winners - a fantastic way to end the school year!
Our Sponsored sports event with 'Sports for Schools' and JOE ROEBUCK (Commonwealth Champion swimmer and Olympian)
was a fantastic way to spend the penultimate morning of the Summer term - we raised a lot of money for the school and Team GB,
while having a amazing, & energetic, time! Joe did an assembly about his life as a swimmer, and the resilience and determination he
needed to compete at the Olympic games - his dream! Watch videos here: Vid1 Vid2 Vid3
We had our French themed 'BASTILLE DAY' on 14.7.22 -learning about France -
the language, the population and lots of other facts - over a fun day!
Our Commonwealth Games inspired SPORTS DAY was a brilliant event, supported by AWS (Active Wellbeing Society) with events & breakfast for everyone. Children took part, in their house teams, in 'traditional' events,
like the egg & spoon race, sack race etc but also events from the Commonwealth Games, such as badminton, bowls, l
ong distance running, relay, javelin and so on! The weather stayed warm, but not too warm, and the sportsmanship
and team spirit was on display in its droves!
We have been taking part in many sports competitions in recent months - Y3/4 Football, girls' football, athletics, cricket with more planned. We did so well in all the competitions, showing great teamwork & sportsmanship - even winning the athletics competition against other schools! Well done to all the children involved & Mrs Smith for organising.
27.5.22: Today we celebrated the Queen's Platinum Jubilee with an assembly, activities to learn more about our queen & a picnic lunch with parents, carers & grandparents
Our Friday 'CELEBRATION' assemblies - designed to engage & inspire together!
From Stars of the Week, Good Manners raffle, to the 'Best Seats in the House' inter-class competition to team of the week!
Kwik Cricket competition @ Bournville School - with our team coming in a brilliant 2nd!
Well done to them and Miss Craddock/ Mrs Smith for organising and taking them too.
Deaf Awareness Week 2-8 May 2022:
A group of our children took part in some sessions with Longwill School for the Deaf, to discover more about being deaf,
how we can support more and some sign language.
(08.04.22) Today was 'Speak Out, Stay safe' theme morning -
thinking about Children's Rights, especially to be safe & to get help. We discussed worries children can have and the right to be treated well.
And the right to 'speak out' and get the help they need.
Year 5 & 6 also had a visit from PCSO Sutton, from WM Police, to discuss the laws around social media & fighting, and the devastating effects these can have.
The children listened really well and learned a lot from the assembly workshops and project for the morning.
are now on display in Northfield Shopping Centre!
40 pieces of work, chosen by the children, to be displayed in the Centre. Dozens more are on display around school. How amazing are our children!?
Cooking Club celebrated Lunar New Year
We commemorated Our assembly (here) was shared with our children and
we lit a candle to reflect & to show we are united against all forms of discrimination.
YES! We did get to go, on 6.1.22, to the Birmingham Rep to see 'The Snowman'!
The whole school, 325 pupils and staff, got to go to see this fantastic production (it even snowed in, and out, of the theatre!).
The story is our inspiration for work in class over the next 2 weeks...
Our Christmas Dinner was amazing!
Thank you to Lisa and the amazing kitchen staff!
What is our naughty 'Elf-on-the-Shelf' going to get up to THIS year...
Saturday Club with Darren Harris, Paralympian
20 children have taken advantage of doing a special 3 Saturdays learning how to use
senses other than sight and developing resilience and team work.
'Burn' - theatre production @ KEHS
A small number of children from Y5&6 were chosen to go to King Edward's Girl School to see a production of 'Burn', whichwas written by staff at KES and was performed by Y7-10 boys and girls. It was about Students in Nazi Germany in 1933 burning books in support of Nazi ruling. A group of villagers had to decide which books they would keep as being of great literacy importance and the play acted out an overview of the 6 books they chose. Our children enjoyed the scenes of Treasure Island and Frankenstein!
'Odd Socks Day' & 'One Kind Word/ United against Bullying' week - wc 15.11.21
To celebrate differences and to talk about only using kind words, the children wore odd socks on 15.11.21 and took part in an assembly about children's rights to be safe against discrimination (Unicef article 2) whilst we thought about bullying and how bullying really affects those it is against.
Meeting Baroness Floella Benjamin...
Two very lucky children, from our drama club, were chosen to represent the school in meeting Baroness Floella Benjamin, to find out about her life & her book 'Coming to England', including a Q&A session - they went prepared!
To support children's personal safety awareness, and understanding of peer-peer abuse, we arranged
for an expert to run workshops for every child during wc 8 Nov 21. The workshops also reminded children
were to go for support if they ever need it.
Meeting authors...
During the year, we are hoping to meet authors and find out about them, their books and their passions.
14.10.21- Year 4 got to meet and chat with Beverley NAIDOO, of which one of the classes is named!
wc 6 Sept (& on 13th Sept), the whole school took part in a PSHEE week on 'Diversity & our Yes I Can ethos', finding out why diversity is so important in our lives, what makes each of us unique & special, about a variety of inspiring people and having a 'Yes I Can' attitude to life. This included inspiring visits from Bart Gee (click here for more details on Bart) and Bhavik Parmar, from the Birmingham Rep.
The pinnacles of our year did go ahead and were wonderful! Our:
A truly brilliant day, supported all day by Paralympian (and all round great guy) Darren Harris.
We raised over £1000 for school sports equipment & to support Team GB athletes!
Even more importantly, we got to celebrate our amazing children & finish the year on a massive high!
TRANSITION finally happened!
After weeks of trying, we managed a short part of a very hot afternoon having some transition time,
allowing children from Years2-5 to meet their staff for Sept 21.
Another AMAZING homework project on display at Northfield Shopping Centre! Science jobs & scientists - showing off our children's research and presentation skills.
Mrs Hussein has been running an after-school cookery club - which always smells & looks delicious...
Our 5 Week Homework Project - now on display in the Northfield Shopping Centre
This year, the children were asked to think about FRANCE - the geography, culture, language, food - anything that is about France! The projects were completed during lockdown and were amazing, with the top 3 from each class, chosen by the children themselves, are now displayed (from 16.5.21-13.6.21) and many were also displayed around school. These projects show just how talented our children are!
All the children in school were given the ingredients to make shortbread during the Easter holidays 2021!
There were some terrific results!
School... in lockdown - Spring Term 2021
Christmas Messages to the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital's
staff & patients from Year 4
On the 10 December 2020, it was Human Rights Day - we had a brilliant day, taking part in a sponsored exercise event to support the One Run global event - and raise money for the five charities - Unicef, NOH8, DoSomething.org, NoBully & KnowYourRightsCamp. We had an assembly to ensure we all understood what we meant by Human Rights and why we were raising money. We set a target of £500 but raised....
£1617 - wow! https://onerun.global/u/BellfieldJuniorSchool
On 13th November 2020, it was World Kindness Day - we created poems & messages of kindness for our friends at Ash Grove Nursing Home & Shenley Seniors...
Our allotment - look what we received!
Thank you to Mrs Ireland for sorting this, her son and the children who were in school during lockdown1 and worked really hard on there!
We managed to still have an AWARDS CEREMONY this year, albeit 'virtually' - see the video ceremony below!
Well done to all our winners!
Our allotment!
Mrs Ireland, her son & the children have been working hard on the allotment - and what a great job they have done. Thank you especially to Mrs Ireland & son, who worked on the allotment in their own time as well as with our children!
Sports Challenges-
completed by children in school, Summer 20!
Children in school during the Covid-19 closures -
what have they been up to? We even got to the use the field finally!
Our new READING SHED is now ready to be used!
WOW WOW WOW! The standard of the
5 WEEK HOMEWORK PROJECTS gets higher every year! The top 3 from each class (chosen by the children from each class) were on display in NORTHFIELD SHOPPING CENTRE for4 weeks! However, there could have been so many more on display there this year! We couldn't be more proud of our children!
Thank you to the team @ Northfield Shopping Centre for supporting our children.
Children were asked to come in non-uniform but with a word on their front and the definition on the back! There were some brilliant words and designs...and we all learned new words (and how to say them in some cases)!
Mrs O'Connor's group got to explore Birmingham Museums & Art Galleries and Birmingham Library!
9 children spent the day at BOURNVILLE RFC CLUB, finding out about rugby, learning some new skills, being the mascots & watching a match!
It was a brilliant day out - thank you to Mrs Smith & Miss Kinton for giving up a Saturday to take them.
Mrs O'Connor's Group went on a train journey as part of learning about timetables and life skills, and had a visit from a dog, Smudge, as part of their 'pets' project and taking responsibility. They had a great time and learnt a lot about being organised and being responsible.
Team A Basketball Team played in the Harborne district finals, coming 6th out of 12 teams. This was brilliant, considering we don't have great basketball facilities in school and little time to practice. But they played hard, worked hard as a team and had a great time. We're very proud of them!
For Anti-Bullying Week in November, we celebrated differences and the fact we all choose kindness in our school
Mrs O'Connor's English group cooked cookies! They had to work out what they needed, where the cheapest place to buy the ingredients from, go and buy the ingredients, and then cook & decorate them (lots of maths here!)
Our two BASKETBALL TEAMS have taken part in a local school's tournament. Considering we have had little time to practice & need new baskets indoors, they were brilliant - coming 3rd (and reaching the finals) and 4th (just missing out on the finals). However, what was impressive was their teamwork and sportmanship - true ambassadors for the school.
The NSPCC visited the school to do an assembly on their 'Speak Out, Stay Safe' programme, showing children how to stay safe from any kind of abuse - and did workshops with Years 5 & 6.
Our fantastic GYMNASTICS team learned lots of new moves and then took part in an Inter-School festival - and had a brilliant time!
Remembrance Afternoon Tea for the Elderly
23 children from the school gave up their Sunday to prepare the hall, prepare the food and drinks and look after our elderly friends in honour of Armistice Day. Our friends were full of compliments about the way the children looked after them and what a fantastic afternoon they had - sandwiches, cakes, scones with jam and cream followed by a minute's silence & 3 games of prize bingo! Our children were a credit to the school and their families.
Quotes from our friends: “Beautiful afternoon, children were lovely and very polite”; “Very good afternoon thank you for the invite, well organised and children polite and helpful"; "Special thanks also to the pupils who our residents said were so polite and attentive. They were talking about it all day yesterday!"
1 child from each class was chosen for the first half term's ALWAYS CLUB (ALWAYS try/ work hard, ALWAYS do their homework, ALWAYS polite etc!)and got to spend the morning at the Cityserve kitchens with a top chef, Justin Varney, to learn about food, healthy choices and to design and make (from scratch) their own pizza lunch! Not only that, they will be on TV as Birmingham Live were there! The children were incredible ambassadors for the school and spoke eloquently.
Congratulations to them on being brilliant!
Our MYSTERY THEME DAYS bring out the excitement and ingenuity of our children! On October 18th, we had our first of the year - click HERE to see the 'brief' the children got. It was a brilliant day in which the children were able to plan and work together to create an invention to solve a problem - the children really took to the challenge and had a brilliant day inventing - even inventing machines to 'freeze' robbers for the police, to solve pollution...and Brexit (if only!)...
Our school after-school ART CLUB is very popular, with
children exploring and enjoying a range of different art...
They have been using the primary colours to create big patterns using paint. They drew straight lines or circles.
We will be putting them all together to create different collage designs! Also, the club have used ink, pastels and pen to create figures in the style of Carla Sonheim – an American female artist.
What BRILLIANT kids we have!
The School Council decided to 'reward' the staff (ALL staff) for the work they do in school and to show their appreciation with some fun awards!
It was a lovely touch to end the year.
Our AWARDS CEREMONY for our amazing children was brilliant- and was presented by our very special guests - Olympic gymnast Kristian Thomas & the Right Honourable Lord Mayor, Councillor Azim.
CONGRATULATIONS to our winners!
Oh, and we announced our school won an award for our '14 Days of Kindness' work during our Anti-bullying week - beating 590 other schools. Wow!
WOW WOW WOW - the sponsored sports morning with KRISTIAN THOMAS was A M A Z I N G !
A HUGE thank you to Kristian for being so great and the children / families for being brilliant at raising money!
We raised £905 and we got £307 of this (after the admin fee) to buy sports equipment for
the school and Team GB got about £172 to support their training costs. Thank you to everyone!
ICC Cricket World Cup - semi-final at Edgbaston
(watching England beat Australia!) We were lucky enough to get some tickets to the semi-final and so 16 children went to Edgbaston for the whole day to watch an epic semi-final!
Ultimate Warrior!
We had a fun day, where the children got all dirty (and wet) on the ultimate obstacle course!
It was a great day, with many children saying how much fun they had!
It allowed them to try something different, overcome fears and support each other
Auditions occurred and the show happened in July! Brilliant talent was on show -
and congratulations to Isla & Sarah for winning!
Level 3 Sports Finals - our TriGolf & KwikCricket teams
qualified for the Level 3 finals on 12.7.19 - they had a brilliant time
(even getting to climb a rock wall!) and did us proud - as always!
Music Concerts to parents
Our children that have been learning keyboards (in Y3 & electives) and clarinet, flute or guitar (electives) played 2 concerts for their parents!
Inter-school Tri-Golf & Watersports
We took 2 teams to an Inter-school tri-golf competition - Upper school came 3rd and the lower school came 1st! Their attitude and sportsmanship were excellent - well done to both teams!
A group of children were fortunate to go to Bartley green reservoir to take part in a day of watersports and fun competitions - and they won too! What brilliant children we have :-)
WOW! How good was SPORTS DAY!?
A great day of sports- even the rain held off for us! Thank you to all the family members that managed to come and support the children - a great turnout!
The School Council had an afternoon tea party with some governors to find out about being a governor...
NICK CARTER, our friend and professional adventurer, visited us to discuss his latest adventure, Deep Fear. We have been following his training and his adventure, and we raised £200 for non-uniform day to support the children's charities that Nick supports through his adventures.
His assembly talked about how we can be brave, face our fears and develop ourselves as a result. As he was last year, he was great! We look forward to his next mad adventure - the Antarctic! Check out his website to see how he did this, and other, challenges.
Our Spring ALWAYS CLUB children ('Always' try hard, 'Always' behave well, 'Always' do their homework etc) enjoyed an afternoon at Starbucks, designing and making their own frappucinos!
Northfield Shopping Centre challenged our children to write a story with the title - 'A Night in Northfield Shopping Centre'. Adam - the centre manager - visited the school to give out 10 prizes for our winners (1st-Hannah Y6; 2nd Emily Y5; 3rd Alanis Y6; 4th Ian Y4; special mention prizes to Jermaine Y4, Tom Y3, Ruo Yu Y4, Sarah Y3, Maddisen Y4; Tinotenda Y6!
The writing was of exceptional standard with Adam and the shopping centre staff (judges) asking that we do it again next year for World Book Day!
Thank you for the support of Northfield Shopping centre and the shops that donated the prozes for the children (Wilkos, Ryman, the Works)
Our brilliant BASKETBALL team took part in the level 3 regional finals (as they had won a local competition) and they did so well. We are very proud of them!
Our street dance 'crew' shine at a dance competition & dance festival...
Even though we have never entered a dance competition before, our children shone at a competition & a festival in March.
5 week homework project - Jan/Feb 2019
People or events that INSPIRE us
The children were challenged to research and produce a project, for display, of a person, group of people or event that inspired themselves and/or their family. Not necessarily famous. And, again, the children amazed us with their choices & their projects. Lots were chosen by each other to be on display in the Northfield Shopping Centre for the whole of March! WoW!
New Activalls - to support children's fitness and hand-eye co-ordination
Our CHOIR took part in an ARTS50 project with
Shenley Seniors and Spoz (ex Birmingham poet-laureate)17.1.19
We were offered to take part in a project learning 3 Beatles' songs and writing our own poetry, to perform with and to the Shenley Seniors. Spoz came in for 2 half days to work with the choir in school and then the choir went to the Seniors for an afternoon of poems and song, finished with chats & games. It was a fantastic afternoon, with brilliant performances and was enjoyed by all concerned!
10.1.19- whole school goes to see:
the Rep theatre, Birmingham
(part of a 2 week learning project)
The children thoroughly enjoyed their visit and the work they are producing is excellent. It was a fabulous performance!
Georgia Burgess, of fame visited the school to sing and take questions to the whole school - she was brilliant! She then toured the classes to have her photo taken with everyone in school!
We found out she had been learning the piano since she was 4, had written her own songs, moved to LA at 14 to write songs for the Disney channel, come back to the UK at 19 and now tours the country doing gigs and visiting schools - and, very exciting, will be the support act for Little Mix on their 2019 tour!
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Google INTERNET LEGEND assembly!
We invited Google in to discuss Internet safety with the children via their Internet Legend show! The children journeyed to Interland to help Legend save the day! It was all about being safe online and the children loved it. It was an excellent way to get the message across – especially as we have been finding out that 40% of our children in school have ‘friends’ online that they do not know!
YES WE DO! After BGT auditions, rehearsals and a dress rehearsal, 13 acts took to the stage to impress their peers. After the hardest decisions ever made by a judging panel, 3rd was Ethan (comedy); 2nd was Ellison & Finley (guitar & keyboard) and 1st was...Amie (gym dance). However, it was ridiculously close and everyone who took part have a brilliant future ahead of them!
Two groups of Year 5 & 6s went to the Houses of Parliament
for a tour of the Houses, to see the Houses of Commons & the House of Lords in session and to do a workshop on voting and the differences it can make. Northfield's MP, Richard Burden, also came along for a 15 minute Q&A session about being an MP. We also learnt about the Suffrogettes - click on the video clips to see the 360 degree video we watched!
We had a special Eid party!
SCHOOL SPONSORED RUN - to support Nick Carter on his
epic John O'Groats- Land's End run (in aid of UK children's charities) -
we raised an amazing £556.05!
Sponsored Sports Fun Morning with
Eden Francis - European Champion (no less!)
We had a FANTASTIC morning with Eden Francis, European champion in discus (and aiming for the Olympics in 2020 in discus and shot putt), doing a 4 minute exercise circuit and assembly. The £901.50 sponsorship that children raised meant that the school gets almost £300 towards new sports equipment. It was a great morning for everyone!
Family Workshop - Grammar and Punctuation & Spelling!
37 willing victims...sorry...willing parents and grandparents took part in a fun workshop, with their children, to find out what Grammar. Punctuation & Spelling we teach, as per the National Curriculum. Comments from the adults' evaluations included:
'This workshop will help me help my child at home'; 'I now realise how comprehensive our children need understand grammar, punctuation and spelling'; 'Very helpful - thank you'; 'I now realise how hard GPS is now for our children!'; 'Thank you for the opportunity to see what my children are learning and do a worksheet with my daughter'; 'Can we have more 'Parent lessons'; 'Very helpful - thanks!'
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Our Football team took part in a BCFC organised football tournament at their training ground at Wast Hills. They didn't win, but were excellent representatives of the school, had a great time and got to meet the first team striker, Isaac Vassell. Miss Harvey was pleased to meet one of her favourite team players too!
Family Remembrance
Children had the chance to remember family members they have lost in the past by writing messages to them and sending them off on balloons. There were some tears, but the children seemed to enjoy the chance to think about loved ones and to be able to talk to each other.
11 of our Yr5&6 children played in a music concert at the Symphony Hall!
They were part of the Clarinet Ensemble playing in front of 2000 people! They were absolutely fantastic and a credit to the school.
See the photos and click to watch videos of our children- and some others too!!
School Council take part in a debate on refugees in Birmingham in the Council Chambers!
50 projects, 5 from each class from Y2 (in the Infant school) to Y6, made it onto the HUGE Homework Project display in Northfield Shopping Centre from 23.2.25 - go along and
have a look for a limited time (approx 4 weeks).
The theme was FRIENDSHIP and was left open to the children to decide how and what they wanted to focus on - and how they wanted to present their work.
Thank you so much to Mark & the team @ Northfield Shopping Centre for supporting both schools!
14 children went to visit Sarah Julian, BBC WM breakfast presenter, to have a visit of the studios at the Mailbox in Birmingham, and talk about their community work with charity BCSTF, including the upcoming Christmas meal on 30.12.24, what volunteering means to them and why they do it. It was a lovely time and one everyone enjoyed!
They also decided to read the news... VIDEO (click)
After just 33 lessons together, our 9 ROCKSTEADY bands played a concert to the rest of the school and their families 8.7.24 - we think you'll agree, pretty amazing stuff! Thank you to Kris & Claudia for their amazing teaching!
Click to watch videos: Vid1 Vid2 Vid3 Vid4 Vid5 Vid6 Vid7 Vid8 Vid9 Vid10
Thanks to the Freinds of Bellfield PTA, the office staff and volunteers, we had a fantastic Summer Fayre, raising £600!
Our BELLFIELD'S GOT TALENT was in March, with 11 superb acts performing for the school!
A fantastic mix of singing, dancing, art and comedy! A lovely penultimate afternoon before the Easter break!
It doesn't get much more special than our HOMEWORK PROJECTS,
on display in Northfield Shopping Centre from 25.2.24 until Easter.
'All About Me' - an open project about themselves, their family and/or their family history, demostrating the amazing and diverse set of children we are so lucky to have!
What a 'WELLBEING' WEEK... wc 9 Oct 23
A chance to look at our own wellbeing, that of others (inc animals) and look at belonging and what that is! It has been a mixture of so much learning together - and individually! Resilience, physical wellbeing, mental wellbeing, what to avoid putting in our bodies, Black History & Black history art, drama (with B'ham Rep) and teamwork activities. Oh, and don't forget the farm visiting - a chance to pet, hold and find out how to look after & support animals/ pets
What amazing families we have! An excellent collection for Harvest for Birmingham City Mission to help those less fortunate - and a great Harvest Assembly by Mrs Sorby, exploring the
tradition of Harvest/ how the climate changes affect growing food
Our SPONSORED SPORTS MORNING with Olympian, AMY SMITH, was amazing!
We have raised over £700 with 60% to school & 40% to Team GB. A fab morning full of energy!
SPORTS DAY 22.6.23
was a fabulous morning - everyone involved, great sportsmanship and team spirit, with ASIA winning overall!
Mystery Theme Day - science - different topic per year group! 16.6.23
Meet our newest members of the school - baby CHICKS! wc 17 April 23 Click for Video1 Video2
The chicks have now moved on to their new families
We learned about Ramadam & Eid al Fitr today (18.4.23) - every child wore their 'special' clothes and shared why they were special. We learned about Ramadam, fasting and the celebration of Eid at the end of Ramadam, led by Mrs Sorby & children that celebrate this time.
Wow, wow, wow! Our BELLFIELD'S GOT TALENT show allowed 15 acts to show off their
amazing talents & skills, with Lexi winning the judge's vote, with Jake & Mikhaela coming in as runners up!
There were singers, dancers, pianists, steel drum player, guitarist & a magician! Plus, the choir added a song in the interval!
It was so close between all the acts - and they may have created a few tears in our very proud staff!
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2023's 5 Week homework project:
finding out all about something, or someone, historical about Birmingham!
Now on display in Northfield Shopping Centre!
was a lovely set of events where parents/ carers came in to read with their children
'Lunch with your child' - we had 4 events that let parents & carers have lunch with their children.
It was lovely to see the large numbers of parents/ carers able to attend and share a lunchtime with us!
4.1.23: Visit to the Birmingham Rep to see
Part of our English project - as well as a fab day out!
The highlight of the week is our Celebration Assembly on a Friday - who has got their team point awards? Who will be team of the week or Good Manners class of the week? Who'll get Star of the Week in each class or a Yes I Can for showing resilience? What will be the high octane song to help us celebrate? And who'll win the 'Best Seats of the House' times table challenge? It's a fab way to come together!
After the assembly, one child from each class visit Mr Attwood (or Mrs duToit) with their outstanding work,
to share & to share a drink and a biscuit... or 2!
6-13 Sept: Theme Week: Responsibility..
We had a fantastic visit from Becky from the Dog's Trust, helping us to be better pet owners and be able to be safe around our own, and other's, dogs. Informative, interactive and fun!
We also had a visit from Dan & Marc from F2D, talking about personal responsibility - how they realsied they were making mistakes in their lives and made changes... and are now successful in business and mentoring children!
Our Annual AWARDS CEREMONY was on 21.7.22 -
with some AMAZING winners - a fantastic way to end the school year!
Our Sponsored sports event with 'Sports for Schools' and JOE ROEBUCK (Commonwealth Champion swimmer and Olympian)
was a fantastic way to spend the penultimate morning of the Summer term - we raised a lot of money for the school and Team GB,
while having a amazing, & energetic, time! Joe did an assembly about his life as a swimmer, and the resilience and determination he
needed to compete at the Olympic games - his dream! Watch videos here: Vid1 Vid2 Vid3
We had our French themed 'BASTILLE DAY' on 14.7.22 -learning about France -
the language, the population and lots of other facts - over a fun day!
Our Commonwealth Games inspired SPORTS DAY was a brilliant event, supported by AWS (Active Wellbeing Society) with events & breakfast for everyone. Children took part, in their house teams, in 'traditional' events,
like the egg & spoon race, sack race etc but also events from the Commonwealth Games, such as badminton, bowls, l
ong distance running, relay, javelin and so on! The weather stayed warm, but not too warm, and the sportsmanship
and team spirit was on display in its droves!
We have been taking part in many sports competitions in recent months - Y3/4 Football, girls' football, athletics, cricket with more planned. We did so well in all the competitions, showing great teamwork & sportsmanship - even winning the athletics competition against other schools! Well done to all the children involved & Mrs Smith for organising.
27.5.22: Today we celebrated the Queen's Platinum Jubilee with an assembly, activities to learn more about our queen & a picnic lunch with parents, carers & grandparents
Our Friday 'CELEBRATION' assemblies - designed to engage & inspire together!
From Stars of the Week, Good Manners raffle, to the 'Best Seats in the House' inter-class competition to team of the week!
Kwik Cricket competition @ Bournville School - with our team coming in a brilliant 2nd!
Well done to them and Miss Craddock/ Mrs Smith for organising and taking them too.
Deaf Awareness Week 2-8 May 2022:
A group of our children took part in some sessions with Longwill School for the Deaf, to discover more about being deaf,
how we can support more and some sign language.
(08.04.22) Today was 'Speak Out, Stay safe' theme morning -
thinking about Children's Rights, especially to be safe & to get help. We discussed worries children can have and the right to be treated well.
And the right to 'speak out' and get the help they need.
Year 5 & 6 also had a visit from PCSO Sutton, from WM Police, to discuss the laws around social media & fighting, and the devastating effects these can have.
The children listened really well and learned a lot from the assembly workshops and project for the morning.
are now on display in Northfield Shopping Centre!
40 pieces of work, chosen by the children, to be displayed in the Centre. Dozens more are on display around school. How amazing are our children!?
Cooking Club celebrated Lunar New Year
We commemorated Our assembly (here) was shared with our children and
we lit a candle to reflect & to show we are united against all forms of discrimination.
YES! We did get to go, on 6.1.22, to the Birmingham Rep to see 'The Snowman'!
The whole school, 325 pupils and staff, got to go to see this fantastic production (it even snowed in, and out, of the theatre!).
The story is our inspiration for work in class over the next 2 weeks...
Our Christmas Dinner was amazing!
Thank you to Lisa and the amazing kitchen staff!
What is our naughty 'Elf-on-the-Shelf' going to get up to THIS year...
Saturday Club with Darren Harris, Paralympian
20 children have taken advantage of doing a special 3 Saturdays learning how to use
senses other than sight and developing resilience and team work.
'Burn' - theatre production @ KEHS
A small number of children from Y5&6 were chosen to go to King Edward's Girl School to see a production of 'Burn', whichwas written by staff at KES and was performed by Y7-10 boys and girls. It was about Students in Nazi Germany in 1933 burning books in support of Nazi ruling. A group of villagers had to decide which books they would keep as being of great literacy importance and the play acted out an overview of the 6 books they chose. Our children enjoyed the scenes of Treasure Island and Frankenstein!
'Odd Socks Day' & 'One Kind Word/ United against Bullying' week - wc 15.11.21
To celebrate differences and to talk about only using kind words, the children wore odd socks on 15.11.21 and took part in an assembly about children's rights to be safe against discrimination (Unicef article 2) whilst we thought about bullying and how bullying really affects those it is against.
Meeting Baroness Floella Benjamin...
Two very lucky children, from our drama club, were chosen to represent the school in meeting Baroness Floella Benjamin, to find out about her life & her book 'Coming to England', including a Q&A session - they went prepared!
To support children's personal safety awareness, and understanding of peer-peer abuse, we arranged
for an expert to run workshops for every child during wc 8 Nov 21. The workshops also reminded children
were to go for support if they ever need it.
Meeting authors...
During the year, we are hoping to meet authors and find out about them, their books and their passions.
14.10.21- Year 4 got to meet and chat with Beverley NAIDOO, of which one of the classes is named!
wc 6 Sept (& on 13th Sept), the whole school took part in a PSHEE week on 'Diversity & our Yes I Can ethos', finding out why diversity is so important in our lives, what makes each of us unique & special, about a variety of inspiring people and having a 'Yes I Can' attitude to life. This included inspiring visits from Bart Gee (click here for more details on Bart) and Bhavik Parmar, from the Birmingham Rep.
The pinnacles of our year did go ahead and were wonderful! Our:
A truly brilliant day, supported all day by Paralympian (and all round great guy) Darren Harris.
We raised over £1000 for school sports equipment & to support Team GB athletes!
Even more importantly, we got to celebrate our amazing children & finish the year on a massive high!
TRANSITION finally happened!
After weeks of trying, we managed a short part of a very hot afternoon having some transition time,
allowing children from Years2-5 to meet their staff for Sept 21.
Another AMAZING homework project on display at Northfield Shopping Centre! Science jobs & scientists - showing off our children's research and presentation skills.
Mrs Hussein has been running an after-school cookery club - which always smells & looks delicious...
Our 5 Week Homework Project - now on display in the Northfield Shopping Centre
This year, the children were asked to think about FRANCE - the geography, culture, language, food - anything that is about France! The projects were completed during lockdown and were amazing, with the top 3 from each class, chosen by the children themselves, are now displayed (from 16.5.21-13.6.21) and many were also displayed around school. These projects show just how talented our children are!
All the children in school were given the ingredients to make shortbread during the Easter holidays 2021!
There were some terrific results!
School... in lockdown - Spring Term 2021
Christmas Messages to the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital's
staff & patients from Year 4
On the 10 December 2020, it was Human Rights Day - we had a brilliant day, taking part in a sponsored exercise event to support the One Run global event - and raise money for the five charities - Unicef, NOH8, DoSomething.org, NoBully & KnowYourRightsCamp. We had an assembly to ensure we all understood what we meant by Human Rights and why we were raising money. We set a target of £500 but raised....
£1617 - wow! https://onerun.global/u/BellfieldJuniorSchool
On 13th November 2020, it was World Kindness Day - we created poems & messages of kindness for our friends at Ash Grove Nursing Home & Shenley Seniors...
Our allotment - look what we received!
Thank you to Mrs Ireland for sorting this, her son and the children who were in school during lockdown1 and worked really hard on there!
We managed to still have an AWARDS CEREMONY this year, albeit 'virtually' - see the video ceremony below!
Well done to all our winners!
Our allotment!
Mrs Ireland, her son & the children have been working hard on the allotment - and what a great job they have done. Thank you especially to Mrs Ireland & son, who worked on the allotment in their own time as well as with our children!
Sports Challenges-
completed by children in school, Summer 20!
Children in school during the Covid-19 closures -
what have they been up to? We even got to the use the field finally!
Our new READING SHED is now ready to be used!
WOW WOW WOW! The standard of the
5 WEEK HOMEWORK PROJECTS gets higher every year! The top 3 from each class (chosen by the children from each class) were on display in NORTHFIELD SHOPPING CENTRE for4 weeks! However, there could have been so many more on display there this year! We couldn't be more proud of our children!
Thank you to the team @ Northfield Shopping Centre for supporting our children.
Children were asked to come in non-uniform but with a word on their front and the definition on the back! There were some brilliant words and designs...and we all learned new words (and how to say them in some cases)!
Mrs O'Connor's group got to explore Birmingham Museums & Art Galleries and Birmingham Library!
9 children spent the day at BOURNVILLE RFC CLUB, finding out about rugby, learning some new skills, being the mascots & watching a match!
It was a brilliant day out - thank you to Mrs Smith & Miss Kinton for giving up a Saturday to take them.
Mrs O'Connor's Group went on a train journey as part of learning about timetables and life skills, and had a visit from a dog, Smudge, as part of their 'pets' project and taking responsibility. They had a great time and learnt a lot about being organised and being responsible.
Team A Basketball Team played in the Harborne district finals, coming 6th out of 12 teams. This was brilliant, considering we don't have great basketball facilities in school and little time to practice. But they played hard, worked hard as a team and had a great time. We're very proud of them!
For Anti-Bullying Week in November, we celebrated differences and the fact we all choose kindness in our school
Mrs O'Connor's English group cooked cookies! They had to work out what they needed, where the cheapest place to buy the ingredients from, go and buy the ingredients, and then cook & decorate them (lots of maths here!)
Our two BASKETBALL TEAMS have taken part in a local school's tournament. Considering we have had little time to practice & need new baskets indoors, they were brilliant - coming 3rd (and reaching the finals) and 4th (just missing out on the finals). However, what was impressive was their teamwork and sportmanship - true ambassadors for the school.
The NSPCC visited the school to do an assembly on their 'Speak Out, Stay Safe' programme, showing children how to stay safe from any kind of abuse - and did workshops with Years 5 & 6.
Our fantastic GYMNASTICS team learned lots of new moves and then took part in an Inter-School festival - and had a brilliant time!
Remembrance Afternoon Tea for the Elderly
23 children from the school gave up their Sunday to prepare the hall, prepare the food and drinks and look after our elderly friends in honour of Armistice Day. Our friends were full of compliments about the way the children looked after them and what a fantastic afternoon they had - sandwiches, cakes, scones with jam and cream followed by a minute's silence & 3 games of prize bingo! Our children were a credit to the school and their families.
Quotes from our friends: “Beautiful afternoon, children were lovely and very polite”; “Very good afternoon thank you for the invite, well organised and children polite and helpful"; "Special thanks also to the pupils who our residents said were so polite and attentive. They were talking about it all day yesterday!"
1 child from each class was chosen for the first half term's ALWAYS CLUB (ALWAYS try/ work hard, ALWAYS do their homework, ALWAYS polite etc!)and got to spend the morning at the Cityserve kitchens with a top chef, Justin Varney, to learn about food, healthy choices and to design and make (from scratch) their own pizza lunch! Not only that, they will be on TV as Birmingham Live were there! The children were incredible ambassadors for the school and spoke eloquently.
Congratulations to them on being brilliant!
Our MYSTERY THEME DAYS bring out the excitement and ingenuity of our children! On October 18th, we had our first of the year - click HERE to see the 'brief' the children got. It was a brilliant day in which the children were able to plan and work together to create an invention to solve a problem - the children really took to the challenge and had a brilliant day inventing - even inventing machines to 'freeze' robbers for the police, to solve pollution...and Brexit (if only!)...
Our school after-school ART CLUB is very popular, with
children exploring and enjoying a range of different art...
They have been using the primary colours to create big patterns using paint. They drew straight lines or circles.
We will be putting them all together to create different collage designs! Also, the club have used ink, pastels and pen to create figures in the style of Carla Sonheim – an American female artist.
What BRILLIANT kids we have!
The School Council decided to 'reward' the staff (ALL staff) for the work they do in school and to show their appreciation with some fun awards!
It was a lovely touch to end the year.
Our AWARDS CEREMONY for our amazing children was brilliant- and was presented by our very special guests - Olympic gymnast Kristian Thomas & the Right Honourable Lord Mayor, Councillor Azim.
CONGRATULATIONS to our winners!
Oh, and we announced our school won an award for our '14 Days of Kindness' work during our Anti-bullying week - beating 590 other schools. Wow!
WOW WOW WOW - the sponsored sports morning with KRISTIAN THOMAS was A M A Z I N G !
A HUGE thank you to Kristian for being so great and the children / families for being brilliant at raising money!
We raised £905 and we got £307 of this (after the admin fee) to buy sports equipment for
the school and Team GB got about £172 to support their training costs. Thank you to everyone!
ICC Cricket World Cup - semi-final at Edgbaston
(watching England beat Australia!) We were lucky enough to get some tickets to the semi-final and so 16 children went to Edgbaston for the whole day to watch an epic semi-final!
Ultimate Warrior!
We had a fun day, where the children got all dirty (and wet) on the ultimate obstacle course!
It was a great day, with many children saying how much fun they had!
It allowed them to try something different, overcome fears and support each other
Auditions occurred and the show happened in July! Brilliant talent was on show -
and congratulations to Isla & Sarah for winning!
Level 3 Sports Finals - our TriGolf & KwikCricket teams
qualified for the Level 3 finals on 12.7.19 - they had a brilliant time
(even getting to climb a rock wall!) and did us proud - as always!
Music Concerts to parents
Our children that have been learning keyboards (in Y3 & electives) and clarinet, flute or guitar (electives) played 2 concerts for their parents!
Inter-school Tri-Golf & Watersports
We took 2 teams to an Inter-school tri-golf competition - Upper school came 3rd and the lower school came 1st! Their attitude and sportsmanship were excellent - well done to both teams!
A group of children were fortunate to go to Bartley green reservoir to take part in a day of watersports and fun competitions - and they won too! What brilliant children we have :-)
WOW! How good was SPORTS DAY!?
A great day of sports- even the rain held off for us! Thank you to all the family members that managed to come and support the children - a great turnout!
The School Council had an afternoon tea party with some governors to find out about being a governor...
NICK CARTER, our friend and professional adventurer, visited us to discuss his latest adventure, Deep Fear. We have been following his training and his adventure, and we raised £200 for non-uniform day to support the children's charities that Nick supports through his adventures.
His assembly talked about how we can be brave, face our fears and develop ourselves as a result. As he was last year, he was great! We look forward to his next mad adventure - the Antarctic! Check out his website to see how he did this, and other, challenges.
Our Spring ALWAYS CLUB children ('Always' try hard, 'Always' behave well, 'Always' do their homework etc) enjoyed an afternoon at Starbucks, designing and making their own frappucinos!
Northfield Shopping Centre challenged our children to write a story with the title - 'A Night in Northfield Shopping Centre'. Adam - the centre manager - visited the school to give out 10 prizes for our winners (1st-Hannah Y6; 2nd Emily Y5; 3rd Alanis Y6; 4th Ian Y4; special mention prizes to Jermaine Y4, Tom Y3, Ruo Yu Y4, Sarah Y3, Maddisen Y4; Tinotenda Y6!
The writing was of exceptional standard with Adam and the shopping centre staff (judges) asking that we do it again next year for World Book Day!
Thank you for the support of Northfield Shopping centre and the shops that donated the prozes for the children (Wilkos, Ryman, the Works)
Our brilliant BASKETBALL team took part in the level 3 regional finals (as they had won a local competition) and they did so well. We are very proud of them!
Our street dance 'crew' shine at a dance competition & dance festival...
Even though we have never entered a dance competition before, our children shone at a competition & a festival in March.
5 week homework project - Jan/Feb 2019
People or events that INSPIRE us
The children were challenged to research and produce a project, for display, of a person, group of people or event that inspired themselves and/or their family. Not necessarily famous. And, again, the children amazed us with their choices & their projects. Lots were chosen by each other to be on display in the Northfield Shopping Centre for the whole of March! WoW!
New Activalls - to support children's fitness and hand-eye co-ordination
Our CHOIR took part in an ARTS50 project with
Shenley Seniors and Spoz (ex Birmingham poet-laureate)17.1.19
We were offered to take part in a project learning 3 Beatles' songs and writing our own poetry, to perform with and to the Shenley Seniors. Spoz came in for 2 half days to work with the choir in school and then the choir went to the Seniors for an afternoon of poems and song, finished with chats & games. It was a fantastic afternoon, with brilliant performances and was enjoyed by all concerned!
10.1.19- whole school goes to see:
the Rep theatre, Birmingham
(part of a 2 week learning project)
The children thoroughly enjoyed their visit and the work they are producing is excellent. It was a fabulous performance!
Georgia Burgess, of fame visited the school to sing and take questions to the whole school - she was brilliant! She then toured the classes to have her photo taken with everyone in school!
We found out she had been learning the piano since she was 4, had written her own songs, moved to LA at 14 to write songs for the Disney channel, come back to the UK at 19 and now tours the country doing gigs and visiting schools - and, very exciting, will be the support act for Little Mix on their 2019 tour!
Video1 Video2 Video3 Video4 Video5 Video6 Video7 Video8 Video9
Google INTERNET LEGEND assembly!
We invited Google in to discuss Internet safety with the children via their Internet Legend show! The children journeyed to Interland to help Legend save the day! It was all about being safe online and the children loved it. It was an excellent way to get the message across – especially as we have been finding out that 40% of our children in school have ‘friends’ online that they do not know!
YES WE DO! After BGT auditions, rehearsals and a dress rehearsal, 13 acts took to the stage to impress their peers. After the hardest decisions ever made by a judging panel, 3rd was Ethan (comedy); 2nd was Ellison & Finley (guitar & keyboard) and 1st was...Amie (gym dance). However, it was ridiculously close and everyone who took part have a brilliant future ahead of them!
Two groups of Year 5 & 6s went to the Houses of Parliament
for a tour of the Houses, to see the Houses of Commons & the House of Lords in session and to do a workshop on voting and the differences it can make. Northfield's MP, Richard Burden, also came along for a 15 minute Q&A session about being an MP. We also learnt about the Suffrogettes - click on the video clips to see the 360 degree video we watched!
We had a special Eid party!
SCHOOL SPONSORED RUN - to support Nick Carter on his
epic John O'Groats- Land's End run (in aid of UK children's charities) -
we raised an amazing £556.05!
Sponsored Sports Fun Morning with
Eden Francis - European Champion (no less!)
We had a FANTASTIC morning with Eden Francis, European champion in discus (and aiming for the Olympics in 2020 in discus and shot putt), doing a 4 minute exercise circuit and assembly. The £901.50 sponsorship that children raised meant that the school gets almost £300 towards new sports equipment. It was a great morning for everyone!
Family Workshop - Grammar and Punctuation & Spelling!
37 willing victims...sorry...willing parents and grandparents took part in a fun workshop, with their children, to find out what Grammar. Punctuation & Spelling we teach, as per the National Curriculum. Comments from the adults' evaluations included:
'This workshop will help me help my child at home'; 'I now realise how comprehensive our children need understand grammar, punctuation and spelling'; 'Very helpful - thank you'; 'I now realise how hard GPS is now for our children!'; 'Thank you for the opportunity to see what my children are learning and do a worksheet with my daughter'; 'Can we have more 'Parent lessons'; 'Very helpful - thanks!'
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Our Football team took part in a BCFC organised football tournament at their training ground at Wast Hills. They didn't win, but were excellent representatives of the school, had a great time and got to meet the first team striker, Isaac Vassell. Miss Harvey was pleased to meet one of her favourite team players too!
Family Remembrance
Children had the chance to remember family members they have lost in the past by writing messages to them and sending them off on balloons. There were some tears, but the children seemed to enjoy the chance to think about loved ones and to be able to talk to each other.
11 of our Yr5&6 children played in a music concert at the Symphony Hall!
They were part of the Clarinet Ensemble playing in front of 2000 people! They were absolutely fantastic and a credit to the school.
See the photos and click to watch videos of our children- and some others too!!
School Council take part in a debate on refugees in Birmingham in the Council Chambers!