It is important children are in the correct school uniform.
It is the wish of the Governing Body (ratified Jan 2021) that children should be dressed in school uniform and wear appropriate shoes. It is important to ensure all clothes are clearly marked with your child’s name.
Summer variations are –
Please note -
P.E. KIT: For health and safety reasons it is important that your child needs to wear the appropriate clothes for PE and swimming. PE and swimming are important parts of the curriculum and we expect children to be in the correct PE Kit uniform. PE Kit can be worn to school on the days your child has PE/ after-school sports club. PE kits should be in the school colours as follows:
The school now has a set of expected items available from the school office, or Kids Essentials. We supply PE T-shirts, shorts & tracksuit individually, or as a set for £37, with free PE bag (saving £5).
Please be aware that if your child is not wearing the correct or appropriate clothing, you may be called into school to bring the correct items for them to change into.
Items with the school logo can be purchased from -
Kids Essentials
762 Bristol Road South
B31 2NN
We have a selection of second-hand uniform available in school or you can go to:
Rubery Schools Community Swap Shop:
It is important children are in the correct school uniform.
It is the wish of the Governing Body (ratified Jan 2021) that children should be dressed in school uniform and wear appropriate shoes. It is important to ensure all clothes are clearly marked with your child’s name.
Summer variations are –
Please note -
P.E. KIT: For health and safety reasons it is important that your child needs to wear the appropriate clothes for PE and swimming. PE and swimming are important parts of the curriculum and we expect children to be in the correct PE Kit uniform. PE Kit can be worn to school on the days your child has PE/ after-school sports club. PE kits should be in the school colours as follows:
The school now has a set of expected items available from the school office, or Kids Essentials. We supply PE T-shirts, shorts & tracksuit individually, or as a set for £37, with free PE bag (saving £5).
Please be aware that if your child is not wearing the correct or appropriate clothing, you may be called into school to bring the correct items for them to change into.
Items with the school logo can be purchased from -
Kids Essentials
762 Bristol Road South
B31 2NN
We have a selection of second-hand uniform available in school or you can go to:
Rubery Schools Community Swap Shop:
It is important children are in the correct school uniform.
It is the wish of the Governing Body (ratified Jan 2021) that children should be dressed in school uniform and wear appropriate shoes. It is important to ensure all clothes are clearly marked with your child’s name.
Summer variations are –
Please note -
P.E. KIT: For health and safety reasons it is important that your child needs to wear the appropriate clothes for PE and swimming. PE and swimming are important parts of the curriculum and we expect children to be in the correct PE Kit uniform. PE Kit can be worn to school on the days your child has PE/ after-school sports club. PE kits should be in the school colours as follows:
The school now has a set of expected items available from the school office, or Kids Essentials. We supply PE T-shirts, shorts & tracksuit individually, or as a set for £37, with free PE bag (saving £5).
Please be aware that if your child is not wearing the correct or appropriate clothing, you may be called into school to bring the correct items for them to change into.
Items with the school logo can be purchased from -
Kids Essentials
762 Bristol Road South
B31 2NN
We have a selection of second-hand uniform available in school or you can go to:
Rubery Schools Community Swap Shop: